Acupuncture is used for both humans and animals now. Clearwater, Florida, has many veterinary clinics that you can check to get the proper treatment for your pet. When there is chronic pain, acupuncture can be very beneficial. Acupuncture has been used in Chinese medicine for over 2000 years.
There is a belief that when Qi is blocked, it can manifest itself in chronic pain. Therefore, to cure that pain, a number of needles are used to help with these blockages and thereby release them. In a scientific view, central effects include the release of neurotransmitters such as serotonin that block the feeling of pain.
Furthermore, there is also a role of neuroplasticity which is basically the changes in neural connections and the ability to make new ones. The role of fascia also helps in making acupuncture reach various areas of the body.
In animals, it is an effective technique to deal with chronic pain. While you can get effective by acupuncture, combining it with different modern methods can help in generating more effective results. If your pet is not comfortable and has been acting differently, it is time you take it to a Clearwater veterinary clinic.
What are the basics of acupuncture therapy?
Qi is the central concept. It is an energy that is running throughout your body. Traditional medicine in China believes that the unbalanced Qi chases pain and discomfort. Acupuncture is what fixes this problem. Coming back to the scientific view, while Qi might sound like a made-up thing, there are scientific reasons and explanations for how acupuncture works.
There have been many studies where they have found that putting needles in various areas can actually bring out physiological responses. It can either improve blood flow or release endorphins, etc.
What do you need to know about acupuncture in animals?
Acupuncture, as we have established by now, is a great way to treat chronic pain; the points that are taken into account are usually high in density. There is also increased blood circulation. There is not only going to be a reaction on a local level but there are going to be changes in the nervous system as well.
This is why it is considered to be a great tool in treating pain. As discussed earlier, acupuncture itself can yield excellent results, but if you pair it with other medicinal approaches, you are going to produce better results. If you want to have a holistic treatment, acupuncture can help to treat the symptoms as well as the cause there might be underneath.
How long can it take for animals to get treated or for the session to be over?
The session typically takes anywhere from fifteen minutes to an hour. It is going to depend on the kind of condition the animal has and the ways that can be used to treat it. How extensive they are and the animal being treated will also be taken into consideration. Some animals might also require multiple visits in order to get treated.
Hence, you cannot tell for sure how long the entire will take for a particular animal. The health condition, type of animal, etc, are going to play a role in determining whether one session will be enough or there is going to be a need for multiple sessions.
Some animals might need acupuncture more frequently than others. Furthermore, there are no side effects from this process, so you need not worry about that.
Get your animal checked today!
When you see changes in the behavior of your pet, no matter how minor it may seem, it is always better to get them checked. You can consult your local veterinarian in Clearwater, FL, and see if everything is fine with your pet.
The veterinarian has the knowledge and expertise in the area and can tell if your pet needs medications or proper treatment.