Spider veins are typically small, swollen veins that appear flat or slightly raised. They are usually blue, red, or purple. Spider veins form when the valve veins are damaged, and blood does not flow to your heart, making it pool. In most people, they are painless and do not cause health issues. Anyone can get spider veins, but you are at a higher risk if you are pregnant, obese, or of older age. Standing or sitting for long periods in the position can worsen your spider veins or increase the risks of getting them. Spider veins New York affect many parts, including your legs, face, and hands. You can treat your spider veins if they cause symptoms or for cosmetic reasons. There are many treatments for spider veins, which include:
Compression stockings and socks
You can use compression stockings or socks to treat spider veins on your lower legs. The pressure on the spider veins improves blood flow and prevents other veins. Compression stockings also help to relieve leg swelling and reduce the chances of blood clots in your legs. There are various compression socks based on size, strength, and the condition of your spider veins.
Sclerotherapy involves your specialist injecting an irritant solution into the affected vein. The solution irritates the vein and sticks together, keeping blood flowing into the area. Blood flow will diverge to other healthy veins. Over time, the spider veins will fade. You may need several treatment sessions to get the desired results. Sclerotherapy can also help reduce swelling.
Laser treatment
Laser treatment involves a strong, focused beam of light that makes your spider veins clot and dry up. Healthcare providers use this treatment on small spider veins close to your skin. Laser treatment is less invasive than sclerotherapy because no injections are involved. But laser treatment is less effective in treating spider veins.
Endovenous laser therapy (EVLT)
Endovenous laser therapy is a newer technique for treating spider and varicose veins that require local anesthesia. It involves your specialist making a small incision in the damaged vein and inserting a laser fiber. The laser applies heat to the damaged vein, causing it to collapse. It can take several months or a year for your spider veins to disappear.
Lifestyle changes
Lifestyle changes like good skin hygiene and weight loss if you are obese can help reduce spider veins. Avoiding standing or sitting for a prolonged time without taking a break or not wearing high heels for long periods can help prevent symptoms from worsening. Elevating your legs to a level above your heart while sitting or resting can improve blood flow in your veins, reducing swelling. Physical activities can also improve blood circulation in your spider veins.
Radiofrequency occlusion
Radiofrequency occlusion is an outpatient treatment and can sometimes be performed under local anesthesia. It involves your dermatologist inserting a small catheter into the affected vein. The catheter applies radiofrequency energy to the damaged vein, heating, collapsing, and sealing it shut.
Spider veins are tiny, swollen, and twisted veins that appear blue, red, or people. You can treat your spider veins through sclerotherapy, compression socks, radiofrequency occlusion, or laser treatment. Schedule an appointment at Upper East Side Cardiology for spider vein treatment to improve your look.